Wizja starzenia się, starości i umierania w islamie
https://doi.org/10.34813/ptr1.2023.7Słowa kluczowe:
Islam, the Koran, the Hadith, aging, old age, dyingAbstrakt
The purpose of the article is the analysis of the selected sociocultural aspects and the foundations of Islamic theology in the face of aging, old age and dying. Islamic Source Texts: The Koran and the Hadith recognize God as the Creator of the world who requires man’s complete submission. The elderly are treated with great respect, and old age is seen as one of the stages of life, which is a summary of life. It is also a period that brings a person closer to death. This, in turn, ends this life and is the gate to eternal life. According to Islam, after death, man will be held accountable for all earthly deeds; therefore the stage of old age is a special period in which the individual comes closer to God.
Prawa autorskie (c) 2023 Hanna Grzesiak

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