Przegląd Religioznawczy – The Religious Studies Review <p style="text-align: justify;">Kwartalnik „Przegląd Religioznawczy – The Religious Studies Review” (ISSN 1230-4379; e-ISSN 2658-1531) jest jednym z najstarszych polskich czasopism naukowych specjalizujących się w tematyce religioznawczej. Wydawany jest on od roku 1957 a od roku 1960 jako organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Religioznawczego. W latach 1957-1992 czasopismo wydawane było pt. „Euhemer. Przegląd Religioznawczy”; od roku 1992 jako „Przegląd Religioznawczy – The Religious Studies Review”.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Na łamach „Przeglądu Religioznawczego” publikowane są artykuły teoretyczne, wyniki badań nad religijnością i przekłady tekstów źródłowych. Uznając religię za zjawisko wieloaspektowe, redakcja czasopisma prócz religioznawców, angażuje do współpracy orientalistów, filologów klasycznych, archeologów, historyków, etnografów, socjologów, psychologów, filozofów, politologów a także specjalistów z innych dziedzin.</p> pl-PL (Paweł Kusiak) (LionsWare Artur Wrzałkowski) Wed, 04 Sep 2024 10:10:39 +0200 OJS 60 Rzecz o dekonspiracji „doskonałego” agenta pionu wyznaniowego aparatu bezpieczeństwa PRL w latach 1950–1989: K.A. Tochman, Samozwańczy oficer Zygmunt Augustowski. Z dziejów „Wachlarza”, Okręgu Wileńskiego AK i komunistycznej bezpieki, Rzeszów – Warszaw <p>Rzecz o dekonspiracji „doskonałego” agenta pionu wyznaniowego aparatu bezpieczeństwa PRL w latach 1950–1989: K.A. Tochman, Samozwańczy oficer Zygmunt Augustowski. Z dziejów „Wachlarza”, Okręgu Wileńskiego AK i komunistycznej bezpieki, Rzeszów – Warszawa 2022.</p> Bogusław Górka Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Ruchy fundamentalizmu religijnego: podejścia badawcze <p>This article analyzes selected research approaches in the study of religious fundamentalism movements. The term research approach refers to a defined and rational way of conducting research. Religious fundamentalism movements are defined as movements seeking to subordinate the sphere of politics to the sphere of religion and selectively restore religious traditions. They have created an anti-modernist political ideology. The assumption was made that in research on religious fundamentalism movements, various research approaches are used, revealing the specificity of the analyzed entities to varying degrees. During the research process, a reference was made to the analysis of scientific discourse. Several research approaches were analyzed, including attempts to define religious fundamentalism and religious fundamentalism movements and indicate the main characteristic features, research within the paradigm of new social movements, comparative studies, and research conducted as a case study.</p> Maria Marczewska-Rytko Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Zwulgatyzowane chrześcijaństwo. Destrukcyjna rola Wulgaty w zachodnim chrześcijaństwie <p>Not only was the Vulgate the most important text of medieval Western Europe, but it continues to exert a powerful influence on Western Christianity and many areas of Western culture. In this contribution I will try to demonstrate the harmful role of the Vulgate translation of the New Testament using selected examples.</p> Bogusław Górka Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Edukacja religijna – tak czy nie? – w świetle badań pilotażowych <p>Religious education is undoubtedly one of the most controversial topics taken up in the Polish public space in recent years. The process itself and the course (two hours a week at the primary and secondary stages of education) and the fact of giving grades (counting towards the average on the school certificate) is strongly questioned, both by the interested parties (students) and people who do not directly participate in this process. The aim of the study was to check whether religiosity (measured by the Religiosity Scale) influences views on whether religion les[1]sons should (or not) take place on school premises, and whether a grade should (or not) be given in this subject and included (or not) in the average on the school certificate. The respondents (students) participating in this process at every stage of their education in the vast majority were in favor of taking religion lessons out of school and for them not to be evaluated. As assumed, religiosity measured by the Religiosity Scale (SR) influenced responses in favor of maintaining the existing status quo.</p> Monika Mazurek Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Zachodni mnisi therawady <p>Theravada (Theravāda), called Pali Buddhism from the language of its canonical texts, and Southern Buddhism from the area where its followers live, is the oldest and still actively present, vital Buddhist tradition. The last twenty years of the 20th century and the first of the 21st century were the period of the Theravada Renaissance, in which monks from the West played a significant role.</p> <p>Theravada is also the longest known Buddhist tradition in Europe. The turn of the 19th and 20th centuries brought the first monastic ordinations of Europeans. At first they were semi-anonymous sailors and travelers. Next, the English occultist Allan Benett (Ananda Metteya, ordained 1901) and the German musician Anton Güth (Nyanatiloka, 1904) became monks. The latter, having settled in Ceylon, translated Pali texts, popularized Buddhism, and most importantly, ordained subsequent Western Buddhist monks. Many of them and their successors became distinguished promoters of Theravada and its meditation technique, vipassana. The paper presents the profiles of selected Western Theravada monks, both pioneering and contemporary ones. Particular attention is paid to the circumstances and motivations accompanying the decision to radically change one’s lifestyle, taking into account a critical evaluation of Western culture.</p> Krzysztof Kosior Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Krzysztof Kosior Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Modele przewodnictwa duchowego w grupach alternatywnej duchowości na Śląsku Cieszyńskim do 1939 roku <p>In Cieszyn Silesia, since the partition times, various alternative communities have been dynamically developing. Their messages, programs and proposed practices were a response to the unpredictability of everyday life. Their importance clearly increased in times of breakthroughs marked by an intensified feeling of uncertainty (destabilization resulting from World War I, the Polish-Czechoslovak war and the division of Cieszyn Silesia, economic and social changes of the Second Polish Republic, fears related to the upcoming next world war, etc.). These environments crystallized around charismatic leaders who, using various forms of spiritual leadership, reached out with their message to diverse groups of recipients. This paper attempts to present from the perspective of Max Weber’s theory of charisma and Marjorie Garber’s symtomatology, how the leaders of the alternative environment of Cieszyn Silesia (Agnieszka Pilchowa, Kazimiera Chobotowa, Maria Florkowa, Józef Chobot, Andrzej Podżorski, Jan Hadyna) built their authority, formulated models of spiritual guidance on the basis of esoteric worldviews and thus respondend to certain cultural fears and anxieties.</p> Izabela Trzcińska , Agata Świerzowska Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Orędzia papieża Franciszka na Światowy Dzień Modlitw o Powołania jako odpowiedź na współczesne kryzysy Kościoła katolickiego – konteksty polskie <p>Changes in religiosity and crises in the Catholic Church significantly impact the decisions of individuals who choose the priesthood as a way to pursue their lives and vocations. This article analyzes the impact of internal crises occurring within the contemporary Church, as well as changes concerning the place and role of the Catholic Church and religiosity in modern culture, on the declining number of vocations to the clerical life.</p> <p>The text addresses three key questions related to the dynamics of these changes. The first question concerns the crisis in the universal Church and its impact on priestly vocations. The second question pertains to the influence of these changes on vocations within the Church in Poland. The third question examines how Pope Francis’ messages, prepared for the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, address the awareness of the role of these problems in choosing the path of a clerical vocation.</p> Remigiusz T. Ciesielski Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Benedykt XVI i atomowa dyplomacja Watykanu <p>Within the framework of this text, the author seeks to verify the usefulness of the cate[1]gory “atomic diplomacy” for the study of the Catholic Church’s attitude to the problem of nuclear weapons. In addition, he seeks an answer to the question of whether the Catholic Church practiced nuclear diplomacy during the pontificate of Benedict XVI? In this context, a subsidiary question arises, which can be formulated as follows: Is the category of nuclear diplomacy useful for the study of the Catholic Church’s attitude toward nuclear weapons? The last problem faced by the author is the question of situating Benedict XVI’s reflection and teaching on nuclear weapons within the continuum of the development of the Catholic Church’s social doctrine, and clarifying whether in Benedict XVI’s teaching can be seen a harbinger of the radical changes in the Church’s stance towards nuclear weapons that manifested themselves during the pontificate of Francis?</p> Paweł Kusiak Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Rola edukacyjna chutb w polskich meczetach: między polskością a muzułmańskością <p>Poland is a country where Muslims constitute a small minority. Although official and unofficial estimates differ significantly, the size of Muslim community does not exceed 0.5% of the total population. The institutionalized religious life of Muslims in Poland takes place primarily within two religious associations – the Muslim Religious Union and the Muslim League in the Republic of Poland. Polish Muslims, looking for opportunities to create a community and belong to it do this mainly outside the institutional sphere; they meet in informal groups. In order to acquire religious knowledge and develop their spiritual life, they use various religious sources – including the Internet. In recent years, the practice of sharing khutbas online in a form of text or video recordings has become increasingly popular. In this paper we focus on the khutbas delivered in three masjids run by three different organizations – the Muslim Religious Union, the Muslim League in the Republic of Poland and the Sakinah Foundation. We use elements of content analysis and thematic analysis to answer the following questions: 1) how do khutbas convey Islam to the faithful – is it a teaching of the principles of faith, or rather a message that is intended to stimulate faith, emotions and moral dispositions related to Islam; which of these elements are most emphasized; 2) how khutbas fit into the Polish cultural context at the lexical and content level; and 3) whether and to what extent the khutbas delivered in Polish mosques raise socio-political issues and therefore go beyond the par excellence religious themes?</p> Katarzyna Górak-Sosnowska , Mateusz Chudziak , Joanna Krotofil Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 The impact of COVID-19 on spirituality in Indian adults: A machine learning-based approach <p>Objectives: This research delves into the nuanced impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the spiritual well-being of adult Indian. The study aims to understand the shifts in spiritual practices, beliefs, and overall religious experiences during this unprecedented global crisis. Methods: A comprehensive quantitative approach was employed, combining in-depth interviews and surveys to capture the multifaceted dimensions of Hindu adults' spiritual experiences during the pandemic. The research utilized validated scales and qualitative coding to analyze the data. Results: The findings illuminate complex patterns of change in spiritual practices, with some individuals reporting heightened engagement in religious activities, while others experienced a reevaluation of their beliefs. The study identifies key factors influencing these variations, such as individual coping mechanisms and the role of virtual religious communities. Discussion: This study contributes to our understanding of the dynamic relationship between external stressors, such as a pandemic, and the spiritual dimensions of individuals' lives within the Hindu community. The implications for promoting resilience and support in the face of crisis are discussed, offering insights for both scholars and practitioners in the field of spirituality and mental health.</p> Arti M.K., Antoni Wilinski , Vikas Kulshreshtha Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Love beyond time: Exploring the link between love spells from The Greek Magical Papyri and the 19th-century Pomeranian folktales and proverbs <p>Love can be considered from various scientific perspectives; regarding historical experiences, it is much easier to do so from the perspective of material history. As for the study of spiritual manifestations, many important materials are provided by preserved beliefs, practices, and magical rituals. In the following article, the author decided to compare material concerning The Greek Magical Papyri found in Egypt, which have a much more syncretic character than just Egyptian or Greek, with material concerning 19th-century spells, love procedures, and folk wisdom from Christian Pomerania. This comparison, which at first glance seems difficult to carry out, within the framework of meticulously conducted analysis, leads step by step to many significant insights regarding both love magic and the issue of love itself.</p> Krzysztof Ulanowski Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Thu, 02 May 2024 00:00:00 +0200