Wspólnota w refleksji papieża Franciszka


Słowa kluczowe:

community, Pope Francis, fraternity, social friendship, peace, solidarity, justice, common good, catholic social teaching, social teaching


The subject of this article is the social teaching of Pope Francis, devoted to the dreams of the development of a world community that supports peoples and nations in an international, state, regional and local context. A community in which all help each other, in particular based on universal fraternity and social friendship, presented in the encyclical Fratelli tutti of 2020. In his view, devoid of both good and critical assessment and limited only to a general description. Moreover, the article presents elements concerning the teaching of Catholic social teaching towards a human community united in building peace, solidarity, justice and common good, in the sense of community of people and nations, as well as in the face of the values ​​and duties of citizens, rulers and state authorities. It aims to show the attitude of the Catholic Church to the development of communities and the changes taking place in them, related, inter alia, to the challenges and problems for the integral development of these communities, in various periods of history, as well as in today’s globalizing world, in order to present them against the background of the reflections of Pope Francis relating to this issue, and thus answering the question – what to develop in an international community based on the above values?


