Kobiety (nie)pokorne. O nowych wymiarach postaw kobiet wobec religii i Kościoła w Polsce na przykładzie badań na Pomorzu


Słowa kluczowe:

religiosity, morality, gender, feminism


The article is a presentation of conclusions from the research on the religiosity of women in Pomerania and an attempt to notice clear changes in the approach to the faith and teaching of the Church of women under 40 years of age. While in the case of respondents over 50, religiosity is characterized by a location between the stability of religiosity and increasing ritualization or religious indifference, in the case of respondents under 40 it is between distance and aversion or even aversion. The study characterizes this social change in relation to the religious identification of the respondents, their acceptance of some dogmatic issues, their attitude towards the Church and Catholic morality.


