O genezie statusu społeczno-politycznego Kościoła katolickiego jako instytucji (w Polsce) – próba spojrzenia historyczno-doktrynalnego


Słowa kluczowe:

Catholic Church, crisis, state, post-Christian socjety


The author focuses on determinants of the position and place of the Catholic Church – mainly in Poland and from the perspective of recent years. He delivers an opinion – assessment confirming the close cooperation of the Catholic Church (as an institution) with the structures of the state. Additionally, he formulates a remark that we are observing the crisis of this religious association. These remarks – constituting the first part of the article – are completed with a general reference to the political situation in Poland (since 2015). Parts two and three refer directly to the topic formulated in the title. The author – reaching to specific examples from the history of the Catholic Church – pursues to find a justification (explanation) for the place and role of this institution in recent years (mainly he does it on the example of Poland). He emphasizes how the history of the Catholic Church – its doctrinal and theological foundations influence the community’s situation (especially in the context of state-church relations). Presenting the so-called weak sides of the Catholic Church (mainly from the perspective of its activity as an institution, less – from the perspective of faith), the author indicates the necessity of undertaking the effort of renewal in the direction of “living in a Christian way in a post-Christian society.”


